Tag: Sea Animals

(SLJ) Under The Sea (Kick Start)

For this SLJ Task I had to make a puzzle of anything about the sea or in the sea so I did a puzzle of this canoe and people on it and we also had to make a slide of if we wanted to go fishing what sea creatures would you want to see so I chose a dolphin, beluga whale, jellyfish, crab and a star fish here are some fun facts about each sea creature I just listed:

Beluga Whale – A beluga whale lives up to 30 – 50 years!

Dolphin – Did you know that dolphins have 2 stomachs just like cows! the first one stores food whilst the other one digests food.

Crab – Some crabs can see all around them (360 degrees)

Starfish – A starfish isn’t actually a fish and starfish can also have more than 5 arms!

Jellyfish – Did you know that jellyfish are actually 98% made of water!

Which one was your favourite?