Today for SLJ I have created tessellation art which means that you need a shape that makes a pattern and that pattern can’t have a different shape in between your pattern. Some regular tessellation shapes are triangles, squares and hexagons. I also found this task very fun and easy to do.
Mōrena Joanna,
What an incredible post, you did such an amazing job introducing this activity and explaining to your readers exactly what tessellations are. Do you know when you would use them in maths?
The only thing missing is what you enjoyed about the activity. I personally enjoy this activity because I think tessellations are very satisfying when done correctly!!
I think the tesselation you created is very cool and very different. I like that you used different colours and shapes to really try out creating your own tessellations.
Ngā mihi nui,
Zana Yates
Hi Zana,
Thank you for commenting on my blog and in term one last year at school we were learning about tessellations and so that’s when we were using it in maths and also I mostly just enjoyed creating the tessellation art and having fun trying to make a tessellation.
Thank you,